It’s Time to Throw Out Your Shower Curtains

shower doors West Palm BeachIt’s time somebody started talking honestly about shower curtains. While they hang in millions of the nation’s bathrooms, they have definite drawbacks.

Everybody knows that shower curtains can harbor mold, mildew, and soap scum. If they aren’t cleaned regularly — and, honestly, who cleans their shower curtains regularly? — they can quickly begin to discolor, stain, and even cause your bathroom to smell bad.

Frameless Shower Doors Boca Raton — What Your Shower Says About You

For many people, shower curtains are excusable, even acceptable, when they are young and just starting out on their own. After all, shower curtains are affordable and convenient.

But after a while, you have to wonder what your shower curtains say about you. If you are still using plastic shower liners after you are established in your career, have a good job, or even after you have started a family, it may be time to rethink your bathroom design.

Shower curtains are fine for starter homes or bachelor apartments. But they aren’t as successful in the master suite bathroom or in a bathroom shared by multiple people in the same family.

Frameless Shower Doors Boca Raton — More than a Status Symbol

While it’s true that frameless shower doors are more elegant, more sanitary, and more appropriate than shower curtains for people who have their lives together, they are more than just a status symbol that says you have arrived.

The shower is where most people start their day. It’s where they get their thoughts together, where they plan out what they want to accomplish throughout their day, where they put together their schedule.

So when they are standing in a shower with a dirty, stained shower curtain, is that really the best environment for planning your path to success?

Frameless Shower Doors Boca Raton — It’s Your Move

To be frank: Bathrooms with frameless shower doors are better on every level. They look better, they feel better, they smell better, and they are superior in every way.

So if you are ready to become a successful adult, the first thing to go needs to be your shower curtains.