Personal Protection Likely to Be Prioritized
There are likely to be a lot of changes in our everyday lives once Covid is finally over. For one thing, people will be more protective of their personal health and safety, especially in public spaces, offices, and retail stores.
Things like social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands aren’t likely to go away even after the virus has been defeated. Instead, protective behavior will likely be here to stay as people remain cautious about their health and safety.
For business owners, that means reassuring customers that you are concerned about their personal space. Glass doors, windows, sneeze guards, and walls can help create protective barriers without sacrificing line of sight, direct lighting, and transparency.
Retail Design
Successful retailers predict trends before they occur. And the most popular trend in the coming post-Covid years is likely to be protective barriers. Your customers aren’t going to want to risk their health by exposing themselves to other people, merchandise that has been picked over by other customers’ hands, or service provider behavior that is unconcerned about their personal caution.
There already is a tsunami of people rushing to online ordering and home delivery without creating more barriers for in-person shopping by ignoring personal preference for enhanced health protocols.To protect your business, protect your customers with glass barriers, transparent walls and doors, and other protective design elements.
Employees Too
When workers finally return to work, they also want to be reassured that you value their personal health and safety. The time to upgrade office design with glass doors, walls, and other barriers is right now, when there aren’t as many people around.
Sooner or later life will return to normal. But when it does, it’s likely to be a new kind of normal deeply and permanently affected by the global health crisis we all just went through together. Prepare for the future by installing glass doors, windows, sneeze guards, and other features in your retail store, office, or other types of business.