Why the Best Ideas Come to You in the Shower

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Have you ever heard the term “shower thoughts”? It describes the common, almost universal experience of having profound or even breakthrough ideas while you are alone in the shower. Even if you have never heard of shower thoughts, you probably have experienced them in your everyday life.

So why is the shower so conducive to creative and analytical thinking? There are a number of reasons.

Solitude Invites Profound Thinking

Being alone has always prompted the most creative thinking. But in today’s high-speed digital world, the only time many of us are truly by ourselves is when we are taking a shower. Combine this solitude with the warm, relaxing spray of the shower and you get the perfect birthing space for some of our best, most important thoughts.

Showers are the ultimate “me time”. They give us the rare opportunity to shut out all the distractions and pressures of everyday life and spend just a few precious moments with our own thoughts. And it’s when we give ourselves this space that we can think with clarity and compassion.

Creating the Optimal Environment

It’s possible to promote shower thoughts by creating the optimal environment for them to be born. First, set aside enough time for shower thoughts to arise. When you are rushed or under pressure, you likely will be thinking more about what you need to do next rather than creating the mental space to allow profound thoughts to bubble up to the surface.

Next, remove distractions. Lock the bathroom door. Don’t turn on the radio or smart speaker. Instead, let yourself be alone in the quiet spray of the shower that invites the most creative parts of your mind to light up.

Finally, frameless glass shower doors by TemperGlass create the kind of luxurious, comfortable space that encourages creative thought. Quick and simple to install, frameless glass shower doors can upgrade your thinking as well as your bathroom.